
Founded in 1999, the Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia (PIPA) is the peak industry body representing manufacturers and suppliers of plastics pipe and fittings, plastics resin suppliers, plastic fabricators, pipeline installers, rubber seal ring manufacturers along with training and certification bodies.

We’re a non-profit association and our purpose is to promote the appropriate and contemporary use of plastic pipes and fittings throughout Australia.

Underpinning our approach is a commitment to future-focused leadership. Through research, education, technical expertise and advocacy, we help advance the use of plastic pipes and fittings as a smart, efficient and sustainable solution.

By collaborating with our members, industry professionals and global counterparts, we can leverage the latest insights and technology. We use these to develop robust guidelines for best practice manufacture, installation and use of plastic pipeline systems.

Australia’s vast landscapes require large-scale, special-purpose systems to move water, wastewater, gas and to protect underground networks of power and communication cables. We know the potential that plastic pipeline systems provide for long life, sustainable infrastructure that supports the circular economy.

By using resources responsibly through better design, we’re working smarter. We’re committed. And we’re working towards creating a healthier environment and sustainable future.



We work in partnership with Australia’s industry authorities and governments to advocate for the use of plastic pipes and fittings, sharing educational and technical insights, and where necessary to help change perceptions. 



Through collaboration with our members, industry professionals and global counterparts, we develop materials and share educational insights on best practice manufacture, installation and use of plastics pipeline systems.



Our organisation brings together industry experts to form committees and working groups focused on addressing industry priorities. We’re trusted to provide independent information and help resolve challenges in application and use.



Australia’s vast landscapes require large-scale, special-purpose systems to move water, wastewater, gas and to protect underground networks of power and communication cables. We know the potential that plastic pipeline systems provide for long life, sustainable infrastructure that supports the circular economy.

The PIPA Board and Management

The Plastics Industry Pipes Association of Australia Limited (PIPA) is a member based non-profit association. The PIPA Board is constructed from member companies and represents the interests of PVC and Polyolefin pipe systems. The current Executive General Manager is Ms Cindy Bray and current Chair is Mr Paul Lavelle.

View Board & Management

Paul LavelleIplex Pipelines (Aust) Pty Ltd
Matthew HynesIplex Pipelines (Aust) Pty Ltd
David BirdVinidex Pty Ltd
Melissa WatersVinidex Pty Ltd
David CooperAVC Trading Pty Ltd
Mark MillerPipemakers Australia Pty Ltd
Alan ShoreRavago / Borouge
Joshua KirtonPlasson Pty Ltd
Anthony HurleyPolymer Direct Pty Ltd
Rakesh KumarPrimaplas
Peter NoonPlastec Australia
Tim David-MossDavid Moss Group

Our Technical Committee Members

As a member based non-profit association, PIPA’s PVC and Polyolefins Technical Committees comprise of member companies. These industry experts also represent PIPA on various Australian Standards Committees. The current Chair is Dr Alan Whittle.
View Technical Committee Members

Dr Alan WhittleChairman
Christoph SchraderRehau Pty Ltd
Kate FrascaPhilmac Pty Ltd
Glenn PerryGF Piping Systems Pty Ltd
Mark HabelPlasson Australia
Greg MorwoodPlastec Australia Pty Ltd
Vanette Tran Reliance Worldwide Corporation Pty Ltd
Lucy CrokerVinidex Pty Ltd
Matthew Hynes Iplex Pipelines Australia Pty Ltd
Mr Nigel Jones AVC Trading Pty Ltd
Nigel Jones AVC Trading Pty Ltd
Peck Tze KangBorouge Pte Ltd
Peter ChiversPipe King Pty Ltd
Dr Predrag MicicQenos Pty Ltd
Ben MorovicPipemakers Australia Pty Ltd

PIPA is a PPCA Conference Partner

The Plastics Pipes Conference Association (PPCA) is dedicated to the ongoing creation and distribution of technical and application information on plastic pipes system in order to educate and expand their safe, cost effective and sustainable use. The PPCA was formed to organise and run the series of Plastic Pipes Conferences on behalf of the international  plastics pipes industry.

As a PPCA Conference Partner PIPA has automatic participation in the Organising Committees for all PPCA main conferences and are the preferred partner for PPCA spin off conferences in our geographical region of operation (OZPipe).

PIPA is a representative on the PE100+ Advisory Committee

The PE 100+ Association works closely with its Advisory Committee of representatives from the gas and water industries, pipe and fitting manufacturers and contractors. Their main task is to provide market guidance and feedback to the Association and ensure that industry needs are fulfilled.

Operation Clean Sweep

As part of PIPA’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility PIPA has taken the Operation Clean Sweep pledge and are a program partner to help control pellet loss in Australia. Working with PIPA members we understand everyone in the industry has a role and responsibility to play throughout the supply chain and how working collectively together we can achieve positive results.

PIPA participates in MECLA’s “Do Tanks”

Materials & Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance (MECLA) brings together the drive to reduce embodied carbon in the building and construction industry. MECLA is determined to transform the building and construction sector to reach Net-Zero emissions. MECLA recognises the growing demand for lower and zero-carbon materials world and PIPA participates in the working group “do tanks” through collaboration with organisations to make a difference.

Plastic pipes and fittings have transformed the way we live, delivering essential services and utilities to our homes and communities.